Jam Crumb Cake


A simple, yummy and moist vanilla cake with jam and crumb topping. This cake has a beautiful crunchy topping along with the jam and its just perfect.


For the crumb:
1. All purpose flour- 1/4 cup
2. Brown sugar- 1/4 cup
3. Cinnamon powder- 1/4 tsp
4. Butter- 2 tbsp

In a bowl, mix flour, brown sugar and cinnamon. Add butter and mix with your hand until mixture becomes crumbly.

5. All purpose flour- 1 1/4 cup
6. Baking powder- 1/2 tsp
7. Salt- 1/8 tsp
8. Baking soda- 1/4 tsp
9. Powdered sugar- 2/3 cup
10. Butter- 1/4 cup
11. Vanilla essence- 1/2 tsp
12. Egg- 1
13. Milk- 6 tbsp
14. Lime juice- 2 tbsp
15. Mixed fruit jam- 1/2 cup

Preheat oven at 180 C.

Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Keep it aside.

Using a hand beater, beat sugar and butter til it becomes creamy. Add egg, milk, lime juice and vanilla essence. Beat for 2 to 3 minutes. Fold flour mix very gently and transfer it into a greased pan. Spread a even layer of jam and top it with another even layer of crumble.

Bake for 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Slice and serve. You can also try it with vanilla ice cream.

Heat the jam in microwave for 10 seconds if its too thick and its difficult to spread.


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