Pineapple Pudding


Pineapple Pudding is a simple, quick and delicious dessert. It is best for any occasions.


1. Chopped Pineapple- 2 cup
2. Sugar- according to your taste
3. Milk- 200 ml
4. China grass- 5 grams
5. Water- 1/4 cup
6. Condensed milk- 1/2 cup

Cook Pineapple and 3 tbsp of Sugar together in a pan till it becomes dry. 

Add sugar in milk according to your taste. Make sure you don't add too much sugar as Pineapple is sweet. Boil milk. Mix Condensed milk and switch off the flame.

Soak China grass in water for 5 minutes. Heat till it completely melts in water. Pour this into the hot milk and mix well. Pour it into a pudding tray and let it sit untouched for 15 minutes. Spread Pineapple evenly on top of it. Refrigerate.

Serve chilled. 


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